Synchron, a competitor to Neuralink, has announced one of its patients with ALS is now able to control devices using only his mind with its brain chip implant.
Transformative psychedelic experiences, healing through plant medicines, and UFO disclosure are all among the topics that will be explored in 'Acid for Squares.'
New research reveals a heavy dose of psilocybin can alter a person's perception and sense of self by reducing coordination between various regions of the brain.
New research into sleep and wakefulness radically undermines a century of thought, as the two states are shown not to be as distinct as scientists previously believed.
A recent study by researchers from the University of Cambridge found that mindfulness training can lead to participants experiencing “disembodiment and unity" and altered states of consciousness.
The University of Ottawa is offering a first-of-its-kind Master's degree program studying the medical and spiritual aspects of psychedelics. as well as their links to human consciousness.
Researchers from the University of Notre Dame have found that potent dreams which inspire feelings of greater connectedness and awe often directly influence the resilience and productivity of full-time workers.