New research is revealing that bats have the unique ability to "surf" along storms while making their distant migratory travels, according to recent findings.
Humans are adding around 400 million tons of fossil carbon each year to long-lasting products like plastics, buildings, and infrastructure, new research has revealed.
Japanese researchers have developed an innovative method that utilizes sunlight to split water into green hydrogen fuel, effectively leveraging two of humankind's oldest energy sources while helping combat climate change.
The construction of a massive underwater structure to protect Antarctica’s melting ice sheets could be met with unexpected international challenges, new research reveals.
A recent study by Colorado geologists adds weight to the snowball Earth hypothesis, providing what may be the best evidence yet of our planet’s a frozen past.
Scientists are engaged in international debate over the best solution to averting a potential "Doomsday Glacier" catastrophe, in response to conflicting study results over the summer.
Something scientists expected to find commemorating one of Earth’s most drastic periods of climate change apparently doesn’t exist, according to new findings.
Deextinction company Colossal Biosciences has announced the establishment of the Colossal Foundation, a new nonprofit aimed at applying cutting-edge science.