How AI Used Knee X-Rays To Accurately Predict Beer Drinking and Bean Eating Habits and Why it’s Concerning
By shortcutting the system, AI could accurately predict if someone drank beer or ate refried beans based on a knee x-ray.
Pentagon Says No Evidence of Foreign Adversaries as Federal Investigators Remain Baffled by Mystery Drone Sightings
Federal officials in the U.S. are ramping up efforts to get to the bottom of ongoing sightings of mystery drones over New Jersey.
Researchers Uncover New Class of Magnetism That Could Revolutionize Digital Devices
Researchers say they've discovered a new class of magnetism called "Altermagnetism," which could revolutionize digital devices.
“Unidentified Object” Involved in Cosmic Collision that Left a Mark, NASA Space Observatory Reveals
Astronomers using the Chandra X-ray Observatory have detected an “unusual mark” left by collision between and unidentified object and a powerful cosmic jet.
Evidence of Ancient Hot Water on Mars Points to the Red Planet’s Potentially Habitable History
Traces of ancient hot water on the Red Planet hint that Mars may have had a habitable past, new research reveals.
Archaeologists Discover Mysterious 7,500-Year-Old Head with Reptilian Features
A team of Kuwaiti and Polish archaeologists have discovered a mysterious 7500-year-old figurine with reptilian features.
Scientists Propose a Surprising Hero in the Fight Against Climate Change: Tiny Poop From Marine Life
In a new study, scientists propose an unconventional solution to combating climate change: tiny poop from microscopic marine life.
Archaeologists Discover “Smoking Gun” Evidence of Earliest Human Companionship with Canines in the Americas
Alaskan archaeological sites reveal the origins of human-canid friendship in the Americas began 2,000 years earlier than once thought.
Why the ‘Mystery Drone’ Craze is a Legitimate Concern: A Look into Counter-UAS Gaps
The current "mystery drone" flap has hints of "moral panic." However, these events highlight a legitimate national security threat.
Mystery Drones Invading New Jersey Airspace Are Keeping Officials on Edge as Feds Probe for Answers
Ongoing sightings of mysterious drones in the skies over New Jersey have sparked alarm among residents as officials continue to investigate the odd nightly incursions.
Mysterious New Deep Ocean Predator Discovered Thriving in the Extreme Depths of the Atacama Trench
Researchers exploring the extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean's Atacama Trench say they have discovered an entirely new species of predator.
Lockheed Martin’s Next-Gen Training Tech is Revolutionizing U.S. Army Simulations
Lockheed Martin is advancing soldier training with a range of high-tech solutions that promise to significantly reduce training costs while enhancing effectiveness.
35,000 Years Ago, Ancient Humans Entered a Deep Cavern to Worship this Enigmatic ‘Reptilian God’
An excavation of Manot Cave in Galilee, Israel, has discovered a turtle god totem worshipped in a deep, dark cavern over 35,000 years ago.
A New Type of Alien Technosignature Could Help Scientists Find Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Scientists propose a new technosignature for detecting alien life, involving deuterium-deuterium imprinted on a planet's oceans.
Readers More Likely to Distrust News Reporting Aided by Artificial Intelligence, New Study Finds
Readers are less likely to trust news writing aided by artificial intelligence (AI), according to new findings from the University of Kansas.
James Webb Space Telescope Confirms Controversial ‘Hubble Tension’ in Most Extensive Study of Universal Expansion
A Nobel Prize winning scientist using the James Webb Space Telescope has confirmed the controversial Hubble Tension.
Is the Universe Designed for Us? Scientists Devise Way to Test the “Anthropic Principle”
Scientists have devised a new method of testing the "Anthropic Principle," the controversial idea that the universe could be designed with our existence in mind.
Google DeepMind’s Breakthrough “AlphaQubit” Closing in on the Holy Grail of Quantum Computing
Google DeepMind's AI-based decoder, AlphaQubit, brings us one step closer to achieving the "Holy Grail" of quantum computing.
Desert Ants Rely on a “Sixth Sense” to Help Them Find Their Way, Study Reveals
Scientists have uncovered new insights into how desert ants use the Earth’s magnetic field to help them find their way.
Giant Hailstones Injured 70 and Destroyed Property During a Catastrophic Storm. Scientists Were Surprised by What They Found Inside.
Scientists have revealed the interior structure of giant hailstones that pummelled northern Spain in 2022, along with a few surprises.
‘Objectionable Conditions’ Involving Animal Testing Continue to Haunt Neuralink Amid FDA Scrutiny
Elon Musk’s brain-interface company Neuralink is once again under fire following new allegations of "objectionable" animal testing conditions.
Scientists Uncover New Way to Generate Green Hydrogen Energy From Water And Sunlight
Japanese researchers have developed an innovative method that utilizes sunlight to split water into green hydrogen fuel, effectively leveraging two of humankind's oldest energy sources while helping combat climate change.
NASA Tackles Heat Shield Challenges as Artemis Moon Missions Aim to Outpace China
On Thursday, NASA provided updates on its Artemis lunar exploration campaign, moving to win the new space race with China.
Ultra-Powerful New WEAVE Telescope Undergoing ‘First-Light’ Spots High-Speed Cosmic Collision
Europe's ultra-powerful WEAVE telescope witnessed a two million miles per hour galactic collision while undergoing its inaugural first-light.
Astronomers Say They Are Close to Solving a Decades-Old ‘Intergalactic Mystery’
An international team of researchers has proposed an explosive solution to the decades-old intergalactic mystery of giant galaxy formation.
Electrical Properties of Human Skin are Helping Researchers Unveil New Insights About Our Emotions
Researchers at Tokyo Metropolitan University are investigating how the electrical properties of human skin can provide insights into emotional states.
AI is Aiding the Effort To Neutralize Hazardous Pollutants Escaping Forgotten Oil and Gas Wells
Thousands of lost and forgotten oil and gas wells that may be leaking hazardous pollutants are finally being identified with the help of AI.
7,000-Year-Old Weapon Shows “Unprecedented Degree” of Precision and Technical Mastery
Analysis of a 7,000-year-old weapon kit discovered in a European cave has revealed an unprecedented degree of precision and technical mastery.
Voyager 1 is Back Online Again, but NASA’s Iconic Probe is Losing Something it Crucially Needs to Remain Operational
NASA’s Voyager 1 probe is back online after a pause in communication, but the iconic spacecraft is losing something crucial to its operations.
James Webb Space Telescope Spots Previously Hidden Planet in Star’s Habitable Zone
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope report the discovery of a planet orbiting within the habitable zone of Kepler-51.
“Nobody Knows How They Can Do This.” New Evidence of Cells “Learning” Upends Past Thinking on Cellular Function
Scientists have provided new evidence for cells learning without the need for complex brains and nervous systems.
Astrophotographer Captures Mysterious Blue Flash During Avalanche
A Chinese astrophotographer says his camera captured a mysterious blue flash of light during an avalanche on Mount Xiannairi in Sichuan
Oxford’s ‘Word of the Year’ for 2024 is 170 Years Old, but It Describes a Very Modern Phenomenon. Have You Experienced It?
Oxford has officially announced its pick for Word of the Year for 2024, revealing a term which many are likely to be familiar with today.
Human Hibernation May Be the Key to Future Space Travel. This Unlikely Source is Offering Clues to How it Might Be Achieved.
Scientists are getting new insights into how human hibernation could be possible for long periods during space travel by studying bat blood.
Strange Supernova Spotted by Astronomers Unveils the Pre-Metallic History of the Cosmos
International astronomers have observed an unusual supernova that is poor in metals, providing vital clues about the early galaxy.
Scientists Studying Near Earth Objects Release Stunning New Images from NASA’s NEOWISE Mission
NASA scientists studying Near-Earth Objects with NEOWISE release a treasure trove of never-before-seen images of the cosmos.
Discovery of “Lost” Large-Headed Human Species, ‘Homo Juluensis,’ Challenges Accepted Ideas on Early Hominin Evolution
Scientists have revealed the discovery Homo Juluensis, a mysterious, large-headed ancient human species, in provocative new research.
Experimental Quantum Gravity: Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Avi Loeb explores how experimental quantum gravity approaches may one day help to connect the dots between quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Something is Growing in the Ocean’s Deep Submarine Canyons. Now Scientists Have Revealed the Cause.
Scientists have discovered something concerning in the deep submarine canyons of Earth’s oceans, and it appears to be growing.
This New Quantum Battery doesn’t Need An External Field to Charge
Researchers have unveiled 'quantum batteries' that are far more compact, efficient, and faster-charging than conventional batteries.
Scientists Print Sensors Using E-Tattoos to Measure Brain Activity
Scientists have created a liquid ink that can be printed directly onto a patient’s scalp to monitor brain activity.
Scientists Discovered Hayabusa 2 Asteroid Sample Was Teeming With Microbes, But Where Did They Come From?
Imperial College London scientists say microbes on asteroid samples from Japan's Hayabusa 2 mission have down to Earth origins.
China Introduces New Cardless System That Allows Payments With a Swipe of the Hand
China has taken a step into the future with a new cardless method of payment that requires little more than a hand swipe.
Oldest Firearm Ever Found in the U.S. Offers New Insights in Native American’s Resistance Against Spanish Conquistadors
Archaeologists have uncovered the oldest firearm ever found in the U.S. at the site of a major Native American battle.
Neuralink Announces Study to Test Thought-Controlled Robotic Arm with Its Brain Implant Technology
Neuralink recently announced that it had been approved to launch a new study using its brain chip implant and an experimental robotic arm.
Astronauts on the International Space Station Continue a Long Tradition of Celebrating Thanksgiving in Space
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are carrying on a long-held tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving from orbit.
Could New Evidence Solve the D.B. Cooper Hijacking Mystery? Some Longtime Researchers Aren’t Convinced.
New evidence could finally solve the decades-old D.B. Cooper mystery, but some longtime researchers into the famous hijacking aren't so sure.
Skipping Thanksgiving Dinner? Scientists Says That Could Be Bad For You.
This psychologist suggests that going to Thanksgiving dinner may be more critical to your future happiness than you realize.
Life in the ‘Big Crunch’: What If the Velocities of All Particles in the Universe Suddenly Reversed?
What would happen if the velocities of all particles in the Universe underwent what physicists call 'Big Crunch'? Avi Loeb explores in this Thanksgiving installment of 'Our Cosmic Neighborhood.'
Look at What the ESA’s Solar Orbiter Just Spotted in These Remarkable Images of the Sun’s Surface
Remarkable phenomena have been revealed in the most detailed imagery of the Sun to date, made possible by the ESA's Solar Orbiter mission.