Flourishing Ecosystem Discovered Deep Beneath the Subseafloor, Sparking New Hope for Discovering Extraterrestrial Life Tim McMillan·October 17, 2024A groundbreaking discovery of thriving animal life deep below the subseafloor raises the possibilities for extraterrestrial life.
Breakthrough Study Uncovers Source of Mysterious Sci-Fi-like “Biotwang” Sounds Emerging From the Depths of the Pacific Ocean Tim McMillan·September 26, 2024Scientists have finally confirmed the source of the mysterious "Biotwang" sounds recorded in the deepest regions of the Pacific Ocean.
Deep in the Unexplored Ocean, a New Squid Species Has Been Found Carrying Giant Eggs Kenna Hughes-Castleberry·June 17, 2024A new species of deep ocean squid carrying giant luminous eggs has been discovered by researchers.
Cuttlefish Ink is Used for More Than Just Evading Predators: It’s Part of Their Bizarre Mating Rituals Kenna Hughes-Castleberry·March 6, 2024The first reported use of ink by cuttlefish in their mating rituals contradicts previous ideas about its primary use as a defense mechanism.
Penis Worms Unseat Hermit Crabs as First to Live “Hermit Life” Christopher Plain·November 12, 2021Sorry hermit crabs, but you weren’t the first to steal other folk’s discarded homes and make them your...
Sharks Use Earth’s Magnetic Field Like a “GPS” to Navigate, New Study Proves Christopher Plain·May 6, 2021In a new study, researchers have proven that sharks use magnetic fields to navigate. It may not be safe to go back in the water just yet.
The Ocean’s “Twilight Zone” is Home to Glowing Sharks Christopher Plain·March 11, 2021A team of researchers found glowing sharks off the New Zealand coast in Chatham Rise, which is called the "Twilight Zone" of the ocean.