J.P. Hague, Barrister-at-Law, returns to address the ongoing legislative path and outcome of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act, initially proposed in 2023 and also known as the “Schumer Amendment,” following an initial commentary published with The Debrief last December.
The Greek myths surrounding the Trojans, made famous by Homer’s Iliad, were likely set in modern-day Turkey, near the Dardanelles strait on the northwest coast of Anatolia. The city that corresponds to the time of the Greco-Trojan War in the epic poem is the legendary Troy, which dates to the late Bronze Age (circa. 1,200 BCE). These stories touch on the theme of people and gods at odds with one another or being ignored, often with dire consequences. They transmit the importance of heeding legitimate warnings, respecting the will of the gods, and paying attention to important signs or omens.
The tale of Cassandra, a Trojan princess, emphasizes the powerlessness of truth, fate, and prophecy. She is gifted the power of prophecy by Apollo. However, when she spurns Apollo’s advances, he curses her so that no one will ever believe her predictions, whereby she foresees the fall of Troy and warns the Trojans about the Greek warriors hiding within the Trojan Horse. Apollo’s curse means no one believes her, and the city of Troy is ultimately doomed.
The story of Laocoön, a Trojan priest, conveys the themes of divine retribution and the moral ambiguity of the gods. He warns his people not to accept the Greek ‘gift’ of the Trojan Horse, famously declaring, “beware of Greeks bearing gifts!” To reinforce his warning, Laocoön throws a spear at the horse, which strikes it and produces a hollow sound, showing evidence that something might be hidden inside. Shortly after Laocoön makes his warning, he and his two sons are unexpectedly attacked by two giant sea serpents. The serpents, sent by Athena or Poseidon (depending on the version), emerge from the sea, coil around Laocoön and his sons, and kill them. The Trojans misinterpret their deaths as a divine punishment for disrespecting the Trojan Horse, further convincing them to bring the horse into the city. Consequently, the Trojans do not heed the warning, and tragedy strikes when the horse enters the city walls, assuring their destruction.
In the case of Niobe, the queen of Thebes (Luxor), the tragedy revolves around her hubris and the severe punishment she receives from the gods. She proudly boasts of her superiority to the goddess Leto, claiming that she is more deserving of worship, having born more children than Leto, who only birthed two: Apollo and Artemis. Niobe ignores the warnings of others to honor the gods, and in retribution, Apollo and Artemis ruthlessly kill all of Niobe’s children.
In the Greek flood myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha, humanity has become wicked, and the god Zeus plans to destroy the world with a great flood. Only Deucalion and Pyrrha, who are righteous, are warned by Prometheus (Deucalion’s father) and build a boat to survive the flood. The rest of humanity, ignoring the growing signs of impending catastrophe, is wiped out by the flood.
Lastly, few can forget Hesiod’s “Pandora’s Box,” the Greek mythos on the origin of human suffering. Pandora is the first woman created by the gods to punish mankind under the orders of Zeus, the king of the gods (now a usual suspect for humanity’s plight), to counteract the actions of Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. Prometheus’s act of defiance enables humans to advance and thrive, which is what, predictably, angers Zeus. Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths, melds her out of clay, and each god endows her with a particular gift or quality. This is reflected in her name, Pandora, meaning “all-gifted.” A box (or jar) is given by the gods with the instruction never to open it. Driven by curiosity and ignorance, Pandora inevitably opens the box and releases all the evils and catastrophes into the world, including plague, sorrow, and war, leaving only hope behind. Nothing personal, of course.
In December 2023, the author wrote in an editorial published here at The Debrief [1] about the historical and significant process leading to the valiant fall of a substantial US legislative initiative bearing information, opportunities, and warnings about the presence of Non-Human Intelligence (NHI). The worlds of a modern superpower republic and archaic Greek mythologies united in a draft law. True to human frailty, essentially, most of the provisions of The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA) of 2023 proposed by Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Rounds (R-SD) failed.
The UAP Disclosure Act ‘ship’ was destined to sail not into the harbor of Troy but that of the US National Defense Authorisation Act (NDAA) 2024, an annual bi-partisan and bicameral defense budget and provisioning legislation. However, due to the ensuing Congressional storm, the UAP Disclosure Act smashed into the rocks.
What washed up in the legislative tide were the remains: the preservation of and making available national archives records on UAP and window-dressed funding restrictions for unreported phantom defense programs harboring recovered NHI materials and reverse-engineered technology.
Efforts nevertheless continued.
The 2024 UAP Legislative Oar Work
On 16th May 2024, US Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) introduced the short UAP Transparency Act bill, which was referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, calling for the declassification of all federal documents related to UAP. Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), and Eric Burlison (R-MO) were the cosponsors of the bill. The group endearingly names itself the “UAP Caucus.” The UAP Transparency Act would require the US president to direct all federal agencies and departments to make all documents relating to UAP available to the public within 270 days. It would also require the president to provide a quarterly report to the US House of Representatives detailing the progress made toward declassifying these records by every federal agency. To date, the bill has remained only introduced within the House, and has a long way to go.
However, of greater concern was the demise of a second consecutive attempt at the Schumer-Rounds cosponsored UAP Disclosure Act for inclusion into the NDAA 2025. Once again, the bill lacked sufficient wider bipartisan political awareness and support, failed to be included in the omnibus “managers package,” and ran aground. Concerns around PR management in what was a US election year would have had a part to play despite revelations made in the run-up to the election by President-Elect Donald Trump, who openly commented and inferred a connection between the JFK files and the UAP mystery, both of which he pledged to “open up” due to strong public interest [2].
The ostensible tragedy of the UAPDA is the setting aside of a middle line of government-led disclosure. The UAP Disclosure Act alluded to significant technological, scientific, and democratic opportunities and the potential societal dangers of lacking a plan to responsibly disclose the presence of NHI associated with certain UAPs.
As the author raised in his last article, the primary post-mortem focus on the UAP Disclosure Act’s double failure has been eminent domain. This is the government’s constitutional right and prerogative over any recovered materials, biologics, and putative resulting technologies developed in the private sector. However, the less discussed and perhaps more potent “spanner in the works” of the legislation may have been the review panel of nine experts who had been democratically appointed to review and recommend the information to be released to and by the US president. Whereas the former would have potentially meant the appropriation of contractor-held and/or derived and developed technologies for shielded government-led industry research and development, the latter signaled a fundamental right of control over and public transmission of scientific, technological, social, cultural, religious, economic and political truths acquired on this complex subject from the aptly named “shadow government” or “deep state.”
Soft & Hard Lobbying for Government Action by a Motivated Flagstaff
Government confirmation of the phenomena surrounding UAP and associated NHI formally occurred in June 2021 through the US Department of Defence issuing an infamous and relatively sparse ODNI report. The confirmatory process has since continued with flesh added to the bones through the legislative initiatives previously outlined, prominent political figures narrating such developments as they happened, and, encouragingly, military and intelligence community commentators speaking of the presence at conferences and on talk shows, playing to how the wider public consume information. The pinnacle of the revelations came from the highly experienced and credentialled Col. Karl Nell (Ret.) at the prestigious SALT iConnections New York 2024 event in a conversation with Alex Klokus, Founder and Managing Partner at the SALT Fund. Colonel Nell stated:
“Non-human intelligence exists; non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new, and it’s been ongoing, and unelected people in the government are aware of that.” [3]
When Klokus asked Col. Nell how confident he was in the statement, Col. Nell responded, “There’s zero doubt.”
The year’s highlights revealing the “real X-files” continued in the year’s final months. On 13th November 2024, the US Congress held a significant follow-up hearing [4] to the July 2023 UAP hearing in which the Pentagon was outed for running a secret multi-decade UAP retrieval program by a former intelligence officer, whistleblower David Grusch, whose claims were stated to be “credible and urgent” by the Inspector General of the US Intelligence Community. Ironically, the author enjoyed viewing the latest hearing alongside the award-winning investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, who released an exclusive interview with Mr. Grusch on NewsNation before last year’s July hearing. Our viewing consisted of huddling around a tablet in Cairo, Egypt, before leading a group and discovering tangible historic anomalies at the ancient archaeological sites that genuinely confront Egyptological doctrine and dogma and attempting to reconcile such connections from pre-dynastic Khemet (or kmt, the ancient name for Egypt, meaning “the black land” due to the rich, black soil left behind along the Nile River after annual flooding).
The latest hearing placed retired US Navy Rear Admiral Dr. Tim Gallaudet, former Department of Defense (DoD) official Luis Elizondo, NASA UAP independent study team member Michael Gold, and journalist Michael Shellenberger at the forefront of the disclosure stage.
Dr. Gallaudet echoed aspects of the previous Congressional hearing’s tone, namely, that UAP poses a safety risk for Navy pilots. He was the acting chief meteorologist for the US Navy when the 2015 “Go Fast” encounter occurred between a Navy pilot and a UAP, with the official footage released in 2020. Dr. Gallaudet fearlessly accused “elements of the government” of engaging in a disinformation campaign designed to discredit UAP whistleblowers.
In contrast, Mr. Elizondo outlines in his gripping 2024 memoir “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs” that the US has advanced technology made off-world by NHI. During the hearing, he confirmed under oath to the Chair, Congresswoman Nancy Mace, the existence of crash retrieval programs and aerospace contractor reverse-engineering of the same. Still, he could not publicly respond about whether he may have been read into such programs due to classification restrictions.
Michael Shellenberger reported in the hearing that the Pentagon has a secret UAP retrieval program called “Immaculate Constellation.” To add further telegraph icing on the cake, Mr. Shellenberger outlined that government officials had told him that the program had potentially thousands of pieces of evidence showing UAPs, including high-resolution images.
The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the DoD agency that is charged with investigating and resolving UAP cases, has previously denied the existence of any secret government programs to retrieve UAPs, stating that no evidence of these programs has ever emerged. However, a degree of renewed optimism around AARO has arisen since the appointment of new director Jon T. Kosloski in August 2024, albeit it might be unrealistic to expect a full tillering away from a hitherto DoD culture of several ‘D’s: delimiting data, denial and disparagement. This tact has been seen through a series of highly questionable AARO periodic reports from inception and claimed gaslighting of bona fide intelligence community witnesses whose interactions with AARO have been denied to have occurred, belittled publicly, or simply ignored under the previous AARO director.
Following the 13th November 2024 Congressional hearing, Mr. Kosloski testified at a Senate hearing on 19th November 2024 [5] before Chairwoman Gillibrand of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities denying that AARO had any verifiable evidence of activity, technology, or NHI. Kosloski also disparaged the anomalous nature of the Go-Fast event footage submitted in the previous hearing to which Dr. Gallaudet has publicly responded [6].
With ongoing skirmishes over data flowing from government to the public on a vertical “top-down” basis, there is a horizontal grassroots reality that is dealing with a UAP-NHI reality on the ground at a time of increasing mistrust of institutional dogma and an often-perceived absurdity of agenda-driven traditional sources of information.
Official Disclosure (Capital “D”) vs. disclosure Citizenry
While government confirmation of phenomena operates through a controlled aperture to maintain public order, social and economic stability, and the interests of national security, the deeper reality, implications, and societal work from broader forms of disclosure is another matter. Indeed “disclosure” is whatever information is prepared or predetermined and released and can be restricted or repurposed to dynamically suit those that have influence over the process.
The golden opportunity of the UAP Disclosure Act bridging government Disclosure to the broader societal disclosure worlds over decades would have been and could be the review panel of nine cross-disciplinary experts. The concept achieves an early proportionate democratic measure that creates the conditions for a responsible and society-friendly educational process on a fraught path of sequential truth from the current perspective of organizational thinking.
However, there is much more to be done.
As matters stand, the role of government is being fulfilled by earnest private citizen initiatives. Prominent examples led by eminent individuals of which the public ought to be made aware include the following:
- The Sol Foundation [7] is a US policy-focused foundation that serves as a credible and academic research center on the broader cosmological and political implications of the UAP reality. The foundation aims to rigorously investigate UAP through interdisciplinary research and public education while promoting transparency and responsible policy development. The foundation organizes leading academic symposiums and collaborates with experts in the fields of astronomy, physics, sociology, and government to explore UAP phenomena.
- uNHIdden [8] is a not-for-profit foundation led by doctors and clinical psychologists whose mission is to encourage better conversations about UAPs and promote more effective support for people who have had ‘exceptional experiences’. The organization is focused on improving mental health and reducing the anxiety and disorientation—referred to as “ontological shock”—that can arise from encounters or the growing awareness of NHI. Key activities of uNHIdden include promoting public health strategies, raising awareness about the potential implications of NHI, and advocating for thoughtful, compassionate disclosure policies.
- The Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) [9] project is a scientific initiative focused on astronomical research. Its primary goal was to search for stars and celestial phenomena, known as “transient events,” that have either disappeared or emerged over the past century by comparing historical sky survey data with modern observations. One of the most intriguing discoveries from this project is the identification of groups of transients that appear and vanish within an hour in pre-Sputnik photographic plates. These events bear a striking resemblance to typical short flashes associated with space debris and artificial objects in geosynchronous orbits around Earth. Interestingly, the most notable of these events also coincide with the 1952 Washington UFO sightings. Currently, the project is focused on identifying similar satellite-like signatures in pre-Sputnik-era images, i.e., in images before the first human satellite was launched.
- The European Crash Retrievals Initiative (ECRI) [10] was founded in collaboration with UAP Sweden and the Ocean X Team and is supported by the VASCO Project (above). The initiative seeks to independently study UAP crash sites, bypassing reliance on any eventual government disclosures. Their activities include identifying credible sites using forensic and scientific techniques, examining them for potential materials, and transparently sharing findings with the scientific community and the public. ECRI seeks to empower ordinary citizens to contribute to UFO research, offering a platform for people to report potential crash-related evidence. The project operates independently and is funded by volunteers working pro bono.
- The UAP Disclosure Fund [11] is a nonprofit political organization advocating for greater government transparency regarding UAP. It focuses on promoting legislation, supporting whistleblower protections, and encouraging scientific research to bring UAP-related information to light. The fund fosters public awareness, lobbying for the declassification of UAP records and protecting individuals who come forward with relevant disclosures. The fund’s initiatives include collaboration with government agencies, legal assistance for whistleblowers, and public education campaigns. Their mission is to ensure informed public discourse about UAPs, emphasizing the intersection of science, policy, and national security.
- The Non-Human Intelligence Research (NHIR) Institute [12] focuses on advancing scientific understanding and policy development surrounding UAP and its potential connections to NHI. NHIR aims to foster a serious and methodical exploration of UAP, with emphasis on transparency, scientific rigor, and collaboration with leading researchers and policymakers. The institute’s initiatives include supporting research projects, such as the investigation of anomalous phenomena in diverse environments such as space, air, and underwater domains. It also promotes the concept of NHI as broader than extraterrestrial life, considering interdimensional or unknown terrestrial possibilities. NHIR works to reduce the stigma surrounding UAP, advocates for the declassification of relevant data, and encourages international cooperation in this field.
- Citizens for Disclosure [13] is an initiative by the New Paradigm Institute, a grassroots movement focused on advocating for transparency and public disclosure of government-held information on UAP. The program encourages individuals to participate in educational events, engage in local advocacy efforts, and pressure policymakers to release UAP-related data. It aims to ensure that governments operate with accountability and in the public’s best interest regarding this topic. The initiative also supports legislative actions, including protections for whistleblowers who provide information about UAP and campaigns urging Congress to pass relevant disclosure laws. Additionally, they promote international cooperation by petitioning the United Nations to address UAP issues on a global scale.
In the coming years, the list of eminent organizations will undoubtedly increase, as will the need for collaboration, conglomeration, and government funding to support governments from a “bottom-up” perspective and society on a horizontal level.
Uncontrolled and Catastrophic Disclosure of Greater Intelligent Life vs. Exotic Technologies
“Catastrophic” is a highly charged word that has been used by several commentators and thinkers on the subject of UAP. The author’s view is that it is a term that is designed to shock with positive intent. It appears to be used to stress to the putative ‘gatekeepers’ and those read into hidden programs or projects, who continue to perpetuate the cycle of secrecy that it is time to release the valves. The implied message appears to be that the disclosure process is coming with or without “their” blessing and/or influence. It implies alternative uncontrolled methods to government-controlled disclosure, but to achieve what?
Considered moral declassification.
A distinction needs to be made between thoughtfully and truthfully informing global society of hitherto unknown sophisticated, intelligent life and its relationship to and meaning for us as opposed to open-source revelations on how the technological capabilities attained by the NHI work. The former seeks to build upon the human birthright of self-knowledge and resulting wisdom, whereas the latter implies new modes of societal functioning with potential aspects of liberation. Prospective NHI technologies also present a harrowing corollary for potential misuse and devastating harm if placed in the wrong hands and in the absence of strict and effective regulation.
An apparent long-thought-out plan conceived by a group of highly motivated and potentially guided military and intelligence community officials has been in continual motion since 2017 despite the inevitable obstacles and delays along the way, including the two-time thwarted UAP Disclosure Act. The progress of recent years demonstrates that they are applying continual pressure on the government and private entities and have demonstrated that they are not bluffing.
The focus on whistleblower protection is an inevitable outcome in what must ultimately be a reconciliatory process to advance civilization as a whole. Much of the tightly held classified information is so specific that any leaks will likely be quickly identified by the federal government and the classified stakeholder(s) of the information.
The DoD Inspector General whistleblower complaint submitted by Mr. Grusch and some forty “legacy program” members clearly included compartmentalized and detailed classified information. With reports of reprisal threats and harassment, it is reasonable to assume that such complaints are and can be fed back to relevant programs and private industry counterparts with the real potential for lives being taken from those who do not reach the whistleblowing or public publications surface through intelligently exploiting loopholes in clearing information through the likes of the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR). Public release is predicated on the assumption that the stakeholders of the information in issue would be unwilling to admit its veracity by virtue of blocking the publication thereof, thereby potentially placing further lives at risk. A brutal system is at play, unscrupulously shrouding an unparalleled value of secrecy.
If the information released remains classified, the persons responsible for holding the information and clearance risk being prosecuted. A major peacetime example is the trial and conviction of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, an American married couple, for spying for the Soviet Union, including providing top-secret information about US radar, sonar, jet propulsion engines, and nuclear weapon designs. The sentence resulted in their execution in 1953. It is questionable whether the alleged UAP-NHI technology is suitably comparable to the nuclear secrets, but the cited case is example enough to show why it is unconscionable to expect security-cleared operatives and officials to make unauthorized and uncontrolled disclosures, albeit in the higher-pressure context of “catastrophic disclosure.”
In the US, servicemen swear an oath to defend the nation against enemies foreign and domestic, which is a lifetime commitment for most. Where the enemy or enemies lie may be a far more complex matter than in the conventional geopolitical world, and, in turn, the tightrope balance of protecting national security and sovereignty despite the underlying subject matter affecting humanity as a whole and without borders.
We live in truly extraordinary times whereby events suggest that all possibilities on the “bigger picture” are on the table unless and until they are demonstrably ruled out and excluded. H.G. Wells’ novel, War of the Worlds, is a chilling meditation on humanity’s vulnerability in the face of superior forces and the unforeseen consequences of imperialism and scientific progress.
On the basis that (i) UAP are real, (ii) the capabilities or observables are unknown to current physics and the state of the art, (iii) they are intelligently controlled by NHI, and (iv) humans have and are deriving these technologies, it is not inconceivable to perceive that the twice-fallen UAPDA and its provisions on eminent domain were missed as an uphill effort to democratically offer up the NHI materials and biologics referred to and buried in the aerospace contractor world or elsewhere. While the Courts issuing “Taking Under Orders” would force a means of establishing broader ground truth to benefit human society and pre-empt a highly controlled transparent technological study and use in end applications, it would also satisfy any NHI that may have taken issue with a potential decades-long procurement of original and derivative technologies. It should be recalled that at this year’s SALT investor event, Colonel Nell referred to the possibility of non-public agreements potentially reached with forms of higher NHI.
Might there be a requirement for a putative offering up and confiscation through our societal democratic processes while the NHI remains hidden in the background? Would such a hypothetical not place the route of “catastrophic disclosure” in a new light whereby government(s) are on borrowed time to deliver what may be impossible? If not, how and when might one or more NHIs decide to conduct direct interventions?
If, at any point, key events or impacts do occur and NHI is responsible, it seems plausible that wider society may not understand who or what is behind them.
At the time of writing, there are mass reports and documented sightings of swarms of unknown and unidentified “drones” over the East Coast (and local sensitive sites) and elsewhere across the US. The sightings have flummoxed the local authorities, FBI, and the DoD, who are unable to explain the inconsistent nature of the objects or their origin other than negating potential foreign adversarial sources, such as Iran, [14] while oddly claiming that they pose no threat to public safety [15]. Some of the reported objects are distinct from regular aircraft and artifacts (or misinterpreted artifacts) that might be expected from recording them. Instead, the anomalous objects reported display rapid speeds and avoid detection.
If the DoD can neither track, capture high-resolution imagery nor intercept them, then the US is, by definition, vulnerable to a potential threat of unknown and unidentified origin. The fact of the matter is that this ongoing episode has been occurring over several weeks and on a massive scale. The picture is extremely confusing and concerning. There are reports and footage that suggest anomalous behaviors and unusually large-sized objects [16], albeit absent the unification of all “five observables” [17] to the best of the author’s knowledge. There have been claims of adversarial foreign government advanced drone technologies, but as previously alluded to, the DoD has to date ruled this out.
Prosaic explanations and case by case analysis of the plethora of objects reported are important to establishing the truth as to the source(s) and origin(s) of the observed objects. Regardless, recent events have renewed the author’s interest in the concept of ‘UAP mimicry’ of conventional objects as a known but unusual aspect associated with UAP, having witnessed such a phenomenon himself on 27th October 2018 over the central plateau in Mauritius. Similar sightings were reported the same evening in both the local [18] and French [19] press concerning the neighboring Mauritian sister islands of Rodrigues and Reunion (France). A meteor is not a meteor when it travels at a visibly consistent altitude, takes a 90-degree turn over one’s home, and maintains the same altitude despite appearing as a meteor. UAP mimicry has been the subject of an October 2003 paper by Dr. Jacques Vallee and Dr. Eric Davis entitled “Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness: A 6-Layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena”. The scientists, who combine expertise in astronomy, science computing and physics, postulate that we have incomplete models of physical reality that cannot account for the complex UAP data such that we may be witnessing as the year closes.
They outline that:
“UAP visiting Earth would find it necessary to hide themselves from our detection mechanisms until they have assessed our technological layer or potential threat and hazards. They would employ an adaptive multi-layer risk program to avoid danger. Low observable stealth such as simple camouflage through mimicry, which works well in nature, may be the technique of choice for visiting UAP experienced in surveillance. Examples of mimicry techniques are UAP entering the atmosphere with either the look or trajectory of a meteor or hidden within a meteor shower, behaving like dark meteors without the associated optical signature, hiding within an artificial or natural cloud or a satellite re-entry, behaving as pseudo-stars sitting stationary over certain regions, or mimicking man-made aircraft’s aggregate features.”
AARO has been silent regarding the ongoing drone events and may not have been solicited by other agencies on the assumption that drones were the established presence and were, therefore, identified. However, while the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act was set to be the lightest on UAP provisions in recent years, following on from an updated Congressional Research Service report in October 2024 [20], the ongoing situation has caused the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to submit a bill on 7th December 2024 reinforcing the DoD’s capabilities for detecting and defeating unmanned aerial systems through a Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems Task Force. The provisions [21] would require AARO to partner via one or more employees with the new “counter-drone” task force lawmakers wish the military to establish.
The very fact that AARO has been earmarked in this latest legislative proposal speaks volumes. As ever, the 2025 NDAA must be passed by the full House and Senate and signed by the president to become law at the close of the year.
It is also pertinent to note here the potential use of Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADS) in the control of UAP information being released to the public. PEADS are final drafts of presidential messages, proposed legislation proclamations, and other formal documents addressed to the President to be issued in the event of a presidentially declared national emergency. According to Dr. Eric Davis, who recently spoke at the November 22nd to 23rd Sol Foundation Symposium [22], PEADS was what one or more US president(s), in the past, have issued to keep the UAP crash-retrieval and reverse-engineering program(s) highly protected (waived unacknowledged Special Access Programs), outside of Congressional oversight, and outside of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Dr. Davis confirmed to the author that the use of PEADS in this manner began with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose administration PEADS originated.
What is clear to those who are noticing is a need to accept greater uncertainty and to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Earlier this month, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, stated:
“The fact that the U.S. government is finally acknowledging the existence of anomalous objects that appear to be intelligently controlled craft is a historic development. Like a drunk who must first admit they have a drinking problem, acknowledging the issue is a critical first step. No one should any longer doubt the validity of the UAP issue or the importance of getting to the bottom of it.” [23]
Beyond a publicly presentable idea of extraterrestrial beings from other worlds inhabiting and traveling in this physical universe, the decades-long study of UAP by private researchers, organizations, and tenured academics alludes to a more complex system at play operating within this reality or our world. The data goes beyond technological vehicles produced by advanced races on other planets. It has perhaps been best expressed by one of the greatest contributors to the study, Dr. Jacques Vallée. He aptly suggests that the high strangeness the phenomena presents may also be explained as “physical manifestations that simply cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality” and a byproduct of a “spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans” [24]. The author is inclined to fully agree with his learned colleague based on the sum total.
Alternatively, in parallel to the words of Sir Winston Churchill spoken during a radio speech in October 1939 to describe the confusing situation around the start of the Second World War: “it’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”For now. Much like in the Trojan wars, the existence of the gods to the people was not an issue but the delineation between their will, the effectiveness of the messenger or message, and the resulting degree of comprehension by mortal men.
J.P. Hague is a dual-qualified and practicing lawyer who relocated from the United Kingdom to Mauritius. He has closely followed developments on unidentified anomalous phenomena, in addition to having observed and investigated them.
[1] https://thedebrief.org/a-dramatic-dilution-of-the-disclosure-process-a-temporary-shore-break-against-the-waves-of-change-schumer-amendment/
[2] Joe Rogan Experience #2219 – Donald Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMoPUAeLnY
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpl0FrdJWfs
[4] https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-exposing-the-truth/
[5] https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/hearings/to-receive-testimony-on-the-activities-of-the-all-domain-anomaly-resolution-office?sourceid=1066340&emci=1dbe5c43-05a6-ef11-88d0-6045bdd62db6&emdi=af6df343-0aa6-ef11-88d0-6045bdd62db6&ceid=2419778
[6] https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/5032795-uap-hearings-congress-ufo/
[7] https://thesolfoundation.org/
[10] https://www.ecr-initiative.org/
[11] https://uapdisclosurefund.org/
[13] https://newparadigminstitute.org/take-action/cfd-demand-uap-transparency/
[14] https://youtu.be/Lltd9rhNiEs?t=338
[15] https://thedebrief.org/mystery-drones-invading-new-jersey-airspace-are-keeping-officials-on-edge-as-feds-probe-for-answers/
[16] https://thehill.com/opinion/5043276-drones-baffle-authorities/
[17] (1) Instantaneous acceleration absent apparent inertia, (2) Hypersonic velocity absent a thermal signature and sonic shockwave, (3) Trans medium (such as space-to ground and air-to-undersea) travel, (4) Positive lift contrary to known aerodynamic principle, and (5) Multispectral signature control.
[18] https://lexpress.mu/amp/341900
[19] https://imazpress.com/actus-reunion/un-meteore-un-ovni-ou-un-morceau-de-fusee
[20] https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12418
[21] Section 1089 of the NDAA FY 2025.
[22] https://thesolfoundation.org/event/sols-2024-symposium/
[23] https://x.com/ChrisKMellon/status/1865138535524655215
[24] Dr Jacques Vallee, “Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact” (1988).