First-Ever Grid-Scale Wave Energy Device Funded by the US Department of Energy Installed by the Navy Christopher Plain·July 30, 2024The world's first-ever grid-scale wave energy harvesting device has been installed on a US Naval Base off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii.
Navy Funding Drone that Can Fly for 10 Days Straight Christopher Plain·May 25, 2022The United States Navy is investing in a record-breaking drone that can stay aloft without refueling for up...
United States Navy Testing Cutting Edge Saildrone Christopher Plain·December 17, 2021The United States Navy is currently conducting live field tests of a new sail-powered autonomous drone known simply...
Devices of Unknown Origin Part I: Mystery in the Caribbean Tim McMillan·June 23, 2021On October 31, 1968, the University of Colorado submitted its final report on the Scientific Study of Unidentified...
The US Navy Plans to “Unman the Frontlines” With Its New Drone Programs Harrison Kass·June 3, 2021The US Navy and Marine Corps are campaigning to ‘unman the frontlines’ with several new drones in development, each aimed at ensuring future unmanned machines can serve beneath the sea, on the surface, and in the air.
US Navy opts to decommission Littoral Combat Ships, leaving future uncertain Harrison Kass·May 27, 2021The Navy has announced plans to decommission its first two Littoral Combat Ships. Instead of upgrades, the ships are being mothballed.
The Foo Fighters: Today’s Pilots Encounters with UAP Are Nothing New World War II Pilots were among the first to have unusual aerial Encounters Graeme Rendall·April 15, 2021What were the "Foo-Fighters" that American night-fighter crews encountered over Europe and the Pacific during World War II?