An object that tore through the roof of a family home near Naples, Florida, last month is currently being investigated by NASA to determine its origins.
NASA officials said on Tuesday that the space agency is planning to conduct a wide array of science experiments during the full solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, that will focus on gaining insights into a mysterious region of the Sun and how it affects the Earth.
Appearances of the aurora borealis are expected to be likely in parts of North America on Monday night, following an intense geomagnetic storm that struck the Earth on Sunday.
Astronauts who have never experienced headaches on Earth may develop migraine and tension-type "space headaches" during extended space travel, new research reveals.
Scientists have discovered a gigantic volcano on Mars near the planet’s equator that remained unnoticed for decades, according to newly published research.
Engineers create an "ultrablack" coating for space applications that absorbs 99.3% of the light it encounters across a wide range of light wavelengths.
This scientist says we can protect space technologies by fixing math errors related to nuclear explosions in space that have gone undetected for close to half a century.
NASA says recent tests with an experimental hybrid antenna were successfully able to receive radio frequency and near-infrared laser signals being dispatched from the Psyche spacecraft on its journey into deep space.
NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant human-made object in space, is facing a critical situation following a computer glitch that has compromised its ability to transmit essential telemetry data back to Earth.
Ground penetrating radar data captured by China's Zhurong Mars rover has revealed the presence of a series of 16 mysterious polygons hidden beneath the planet's surface.
NASA says it has successfully administered multiple tests to a new instrument on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, which will allow unprecedented views of planets beyond our solar system.
Researchers using a high-resolution electron microscope have confirmed the presence of organic compounds within the Winchcombe meteorite without the use of any chemicals.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured a stunning new series of near- and mid-infrared images that depict 19 nearby spiral galaxies in vivid detail.
New analysis of the subsurface features beneath Mars Jezero crater dramatically increases the chances the Perseverance rover's soil samples contain signs of ancient life.
NASA has announced that the Ingenuity helicopter has formally concluded its mission on Mars, following dozens of successful test flights during its three-year tenure on the planet.