Stunning Images Reveal How Melting Ice is Making Huge Parts of Greenland Live Up To Its Name
As ice sheets and glaciers melt away, huge portions of Greenland are becoming covered in wetlands and vegetation.
12,940-Year-Old Rare Artifact is the Oldest of Its Kind Ever Discovered in the Americas
A rare artifact has been discovered at a mammoth kill site in Wyoming, believed to be the oldest of its kind ever found in the Americas.
U.S. Air Force Prepares to Unleash ‘LITENING’ with Its New Large Aperture Targeting Pod
The U.S. Air Force is gearing up to equip its new LITENING targeting pod with enhanced electro-optical and infrared capabilities.
Innovative Solar Sail Propulsion System Could Soon Drive Spacecraft for Science Missions, NASA Projects
NASA says it cleared a “key technology milestone” last month that could help move the agency toward future use of solar sail technology.
Strategic Anomaly Detection Effort Uses SETI Ellipsoid Technique to Scour the Cosmos for Technosignatures
New research reveals how the SETI Ellipsoid technique could move SETI researchers one step closer to discovering intelligence elsewhere in the cosmos.
Massive Stone Wall Built More Than 10,000 Years Ago Found Hidden Beneath the Baltic Sea
Researchers have discovered a submerged, 10,000-year-old massive stone wall that is one of the oldest man-made megastructures ever found.
Next-Generation Adaptive Propulsion Technology One Step Closer as Aerospace Company Looks Toward Prototype Tests
Aerospace manufacturer Pratt & Whitney says it is advancing toward ground tests of its new Next-Generation Adaptive Propulsion prototype.
Breaking: Satellite Failure Scuttles First-of-Its-Kind In-Space Test of Physics-Defying Quantum Drive
The cancellation of the first in-space test of a controversial quantum drive has been announced due to an electrical failure on its host satellite.
NASA Just Tested a New Experimental Hybrid Antenna for Deep Space Laser Communications
NASA says recent tests with an experimental hybrid antenna were successfully able to receive radio frequency and near-infrared laser signals being dispatched from the Psyche spacecraft on its journey into deep space.
Searching for Space Trash
Humanity’s search for interstellar objects, and what might amount to "space trash", could extend well beyond Earth and its atmosphere.
The Sol Foundation, Academia’s New UAP Think Tank, Releases Videos of Lectures from Its Inaugural Symposium
Videos of presentations featured during the Sol Foundation symposium have now been made freely available to the public.
NASA Needs a “Miracle” to Save Voyager 1
NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant human-made object in space, is facing a critical situation following a computer glitch that has compromised its ability to transmit essential telemetry data back to Earth.
At Long Last, Scientists Have Finally Solved the Mystery of Why Blueberries Are Blue. Seriously.
For the first time in human history, we finally have a scientific explanation for why blueberries are blue.
This is Heavy, Doc: The DeLorean is Back, With an Incredible New Look
DeLorean will unveil the Alpha5 this year, a modern take on the famous gull-wing door automobile depicted in the 'Back to the Future' trilogy.
Rethinking Human Evolution: New Study Challenges Ideas on Human Innovation and Homo Sapiens’ Leap to Modernity
New stone tool discoveries are reshaping our understanding of Homo sapiens' gradual evolution into modernity, challenging old beliefs.
Harvard Reveals Suspended Animation Drug that “Magically” Mimics Hibernation
Harvard researchers have announced the successful test of a seemingly magical 'suspended animation' drug that could aid trauma survival and organ transplantation.
New Energy World Record Achieved in Final Tritium Experiments at UK’s Massive JET Research Facility
A new energy world record has been achieved by the Joint European Torus (JET), the latest milestone in the field of fusion science.
‘They Are Rare, and Very Hard to Find.’ NASA’s Roman Telescope Could Solve a Cosmic Mystery by Viewing These Weird Celestial Objects
NASA’s Roman Telescope may soon help unravel one of the greatest mysteries about our universe, with help from a strange cosmic phenomenon.
Whistleblower Who Exposed Midjourney’s Nude Image Generation Banned From Platform
AI platform Midjourney banned a researcher shortly after he blew the whistle on the platform's content filters and the nude images the AI was generating.
Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ Moon Mimas is Hiding a Secret Beneath its Icy Shell. Astronomers Now Say It’s ‘a Prime Candidate for Study’
An international research team has announced the discovery of an ocean hidden beneath the surface of Saturn's "Death Star" moon, Mimas.
New Study Suggests Octopuses Have Individual Differences When It Comes to Problem Solving
Researchers have discovered that octopuses have individualized differences when solving a task instead of mimicking behaviors from each other.
Look Who’s Clucking! Canadian Researchers Are Using Cutting-Edge Tech to Decode Chicken Chatter
Researcher from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia say they are using advanced technology to successfully create a Star Trek-style universal chicken translator.
Forget Smart Watches. Here Come Smart Earrings
University of Washington researchers have developed a prototype pair of smart earrings that can monitor a wide range of bodily functions.
NASA to Conduct Experiment Near the Moon’s Mysterious South Pole That Could Radically Change Future Lunar Exploration
NASA has announced new plans for an experiment on the Moon that could fundamentally change the future of lunar exploration, the agency said this week.
Study Calls for New Category 6 Mega-Hurricane Classification Amid Climate Change
New study suggests adding a Category 6 to the current hurricane scale due to increased mega-hurricanes from global warming.
Exclusive: Morpheus Space Unveils New Thruster That Uses Liquid Metal as a Propellant
Morpheus Space has unveiled their new GO-2 field emission electric propulsion thruster that uses liquid metal as a propellant.
Lucid Dreaming Breakthrough Achieved as Researchers Report Successful Control of a Virtual Object While Sleeping
California researchers at REMspace say the first two-way control of a virtual object by participants while lucid dreaming has been documented.
Volcanic Lightning Could Have Ignited Life on Earth, New Study Finds
A new study proposes that volcanic lightning may have played a pivotal role in sparking the origin of life on Earth.
NASA Announces Discovery of a Cosmically Close “Super Earth” Orbiting Within its Star’s Habitable Zone
NASA researchers say they have spotted a Super Earth that is only 137 light years away and orbits within its star's habitable zone.
Mysterious Jade Mask and Other Artifacts in 1700-Year-Old Tomb Reveal the Existence of an Unknown Maya Ruler
Artifacts including a jade mask unearthed in a 1,700-year-old tomb could point to an undocumented chapter in the history of the Maya Empire.
Focusing Ultrasound Deep into the Human Brain May Revolutionize the Treatment of Pain
Virginia Tech researchers say they have successfully reduced pain and its stress-induced effects by targeting focused ultrasound deep into the human brain.
This Incredible New Tool Can Identify Microbes from Anywhere on Earth in Just Seconds
Researchers have developed a new tool that will allow microbes in samples from virtually anywhere in the world to be identified in mere seconds.
U.S. Space Force Reveals Plans to Send One of Its Guardians to Space in a Historic First
The U.S. Space Force has announced plans to send one of its Guardians to space for the first time, in a mission to the International Space Station.
Revolutionary 3D-Printed Brain Tissue Paves the Way for Advances in Neurological Research
A groundbreaking 3D-printed brain tissue created by UW-Madison scientists offers new insights into neurological diseases and brain function.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Closer to Solving Mystery of Methane Biosignature on Mars, Aiding Search for Life
Researchers are closing in the source of methane gas in the Martian atmosphere, upping the chances of finding signs of life on the red planet.
Scientists Succeed in Producing A Durable “Time Crystal”
Researchers have developed an ultra-robust time crystal, and a new method to keep it stable for over 40 minutes.
Mars Rover Spots Mysterious Polygons Hidden Beneath the Red Planet’s Surface
Ground penetrating radar data captured by China's Zhurong Mars rover has revealed the presence of a series of 16 mysterious polygons hidden beneath the planet's surface.
NASA Just Tested a Crucial Technology That May Soon Help Its Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Detect Life on Distant Worlds
NASA says it has successfully administered multiple tests to a new instrument on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, which will allow unprecedented views of planets beyond our solar system.
This “Magical” Sensor is Powered Exclusively by Sound and can be Activated with a Single Word
Swiss inventors have created a seemingly magical, patented sensor powered exclusively by sound that could have numerous medical and industrial applications.
Southwest Research Institute’s Supercritical CO2 Power Generation Demo Plant Announces Successful Test-Firing
The Southwest Research Institute has announced the first-ever successful test firing of their potentially revolutionary supercritical CO2 power demo pilot plant.
AI Image Generator Midjourney Is Accidentally Creating NSFW Content, Violating Its Own Guidelines
AI-image platform Midjourney is accidently generating nude images, making some critics wonder what is going on behind the virtual scenes.
Homo Sapiens Arriving in Northern Europe Over 45,000 Years Ago Encountered This Enigmatic Human Species
Genetic Analysis of human bones shows Homo sapiens arrived in Northern Europe and encountered this enigmatic human species over 45,000 years ago.
What’s That in the Night Sky? Photographer Captures Rare, Perplexing Phenomenon in Striking New Images
A rare natural electrical phenomenon was recently captured in images of the night sky over Iceland’s Kerid Crater.
Cutting-Edge Analysis of the Winchcombe Meteorite Confirms Presence of Life-Supporting Organic Compounds
Researchers using a high-resolution electron microscope have confirmed the presence of organic compounds within the Winchcombe meteorite without the use of any chemicals.
First Ever Successful Measurement of Material Aging in Glass Reveals Unexpected Time Reversibility
While making the first-ever direct measurement of material aging, German researchers unexpectedly discover time reversibility in glass.
A Mysterious Noise is Aggravating South Florida Residents. Here’s How One Woman is Working to Find Out What’s Causing It.
The cause behind a mysterious noise that has perplexed residents of South Tampa, Florida, could soon be revealed, with help from a crowdfunded effort to fund scientific investigations into its cause.
Game-Changing ‘Flightline of the Future’ Leverages Augmented Reality for Transmission of Sensitive Military Aircraft Data at High Speeds
Northrup Grumman and its partners have unveiled a new system that facilitates the secure transmission of sensitive, classified military data at high speeds.
Rare Sighting Captured in Photos Reveals an Ocean ‘Monster’ You’ve Never Seen Like This
Researchers have captured the first images of an infant great white shark, a discovery that could solve a longstanding mystery about this enigmatic species.
Starfield, Xbox, and the European Space Agency Are Giving Away a Real-Life Spacesuit
Starfield creator Bethesda Game Studios, Xbox, and the European Space Agency are giving away a customized spacesuit to whoever comes up with the best design.
James Webb Space Telescope Captures Amazing New Images of 19 Distant Spiral Galaxies
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured a stunning new series of near- and mid-infrared images that depict 19 nearby spiral galaxies in vivid detail.