In a fusion energy milestone, researchers have revealed new ways of improving reactor efficiency and longevity while reducing the potential for damage.
New research suggests that black hole mergers may produce smaller black hole “morsels” that could help astronomers detect Hawking radiation using current telescopes.
An international team of energy scientists and theoretical physicists say they've solved the centuries-old mystery of why ultra-thin sheets of gold glow.
An international team of collaborators has created a new three-dimensional map of the universe, providing the most detailed view of the cosmos yet seen and charting its expansion over 11 billion years.
Scientists say they have created a new method of testing materials that allows predictions to be made about their strength, which may eventually lead to virtually “unbreakable” metals.
This scientist says we can protect space technologies by fixing math errors related to nuclear explosions in space that have gone undetected for close to half a century.
Physicists are one step closer to the measurement of gravity at the quantum level, findings that may broaden our understanding of some of the most mysterious forces at work in our universe.