In an unexpected discovery, the James Webb Space Telescope has detected a distant brown dwarf that appears to be producing infrared emissions from methane.
New simulations by California astrophysicists reveal that gas giant planets can act as 'agents of chaos' by wreaking havoc on the orbits of earthlike planets capable of supporting alien lifeforms.
Just in time for Halloween, NASA's Juno spacecraft has returned an image of cloud formations on the surface of Jupiter that seems to resemble a creepy face.
Researchers from the University of Arizona have published a new plan for finding alien life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus by flying a probe through the water plumes the icy moon sews into space.
This week, we look at two of the most iconic spacecraft ever to leave Earth and go into space in search of the unknown, and what NASA has said about the final phase of their historic mission.
Lurking in orbit around our Sun and sharing a path with Jupiter are the mysterious Trojan asteroid swarms, which astronomers have now trained their sights on for future study.