In a breakthrough discovery, astronomers report the detection of the largest pair of black hole jets ever observed, which span an incredible distance of 23 million light years.
The Rubin Observatory will revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos by capturing unprecedented data on interstellar objects, potentially uncovering evidence of extraterrestrial technology.
Scientists have proposed a novel method of potentially detecting dark matter: by using a 3D-printed vacuum system to “trap” it with ultra-cold lithium atoms.
New findings made possible by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveal how galaxies that formed early in the universe appear to have developed more quickly than past models suggested.
An international team of collaborators has created a new three-dimensional map of the universe, providing the most detailed view of the cosmos yet seen and charting its expansion over 11 billion years.
Could life in our universe have its origins with the explosions of the first massive stars, and the enrichment of their environments with heavy elements?
Humans evolved from chimpanzees and reached the Moon by developing a language. But why is communication so advantageous for the evolution of a species?
Supermassive black holes and stars initially competed for gas in the early universe, influencing the likelihood of life and the cosmic balance of energy.
Australian researchers have measured the effects of massive galactic-scale shockwaves rippling through the cosmic web, a structure that encompasses all of the matter in the known universe.
Stars could not have existed during early phases of the universe because the extreme heat would have dispersed them. Hence, the question: When did the first stars form?