Was the mysterious interstellar object 'Oumuamua younger than we thought? New findings suggest it was, raising new questions about its possible origins.
Like prehistoric cave paintings, finding interstellar extraterrestrial devices might indicate that the quest for immortality is universal to all sentient beings past and present throughout the Milky Way galaxy.
A research team has reported the discovery of a large extragalactic structure obscured from view beyond a portion of the Milky Way galaxy, in a new paper outlining their preliminary findings.
While humans have gleaned a tremendous amount of knowledge about the universe, there are several astronomical puzzles about our lives that remain mysterious.
An encounter with an ET culture would be a humbling experience, since we will have to admit that our modern science was developed only over the past century out of the 4.5-billion-years-long history of Earth.
Strange radio waves detected by astronomers in recent days have led some to believe that a hidden stellar object may be lurking near the center of the Milky Way.