On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
A collective of rogue archivists is working to preserve online resources created by Ukraine, which are at risk of being lost forever in the midst of the country's war with Russia.
Avi Loeb recaps several points of discussion from a recent meeting with journalist Leslie Kean, where they discussed the Galileo Project and the search for extraterrestrial life.
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
A once-classified version of the ODNI's June 2021 UAP report presents a clearer picture of the U.S. government's UAP investigations, but also raises new questions.
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is equipped for scanning the South American skies with a reflecting telescope mounted aboard a Boeing 747SP.
All indications point to Ukrainian forces having defeated Russia’s initial military campaign by week four of its invasion. Moscow’s initial strategic plans centered on using light infantry and mechanized troops to seize major Ukrainian cities, including the capital of Kyiv,...
As Moscow continues to face fierce resistance in the third week of its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has reportedly fired, maybe retired, or possibly arrested one of its top Generals. According to multiple Russia-state media outlets, on March 17, General...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since Russia first supported an invasion of the eastern Donbas region and...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia first supported an invasion...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia first supported an invasion...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia first supported an invasion...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia first supported an invasion...