Astronauts, Historians, Scientists, and Officials Convene to Discuss Stigmas Surrounding UAP
The International Symposium on UAP Research, a virtual event organized by the company Vertical Project Media, was held on October 16th, 2022.
Scientists Develop First-Ever Long-Lasting Synthetic-Biological Armor Capable of Stopping Supersonic Projectiles
Researchers have created a new long-lasting synthetic-biological material capable of absorbing impacts from supersonic projectiles that could revolutionize the future of armor.
The Case For Alien Life Elevated By The Exciting First-Ever Confirmation of Two Exoplanet Water Worlds
Researchers from the University of Montreal have confirmed the presence of two water worlds orbiting a star 218 light years from earth.
Despite Micrometeoroid Impacts NASA Says James Webb Telescope Should Survive and Thrive for Another 20 Years
Following the announcement that the James Webb Space Telescope has already endured 14 micrometeoroid impacts, NASA says that, barring an unforeseen event, the groundbreaking observatory should still be able to conduct science operations for another 20 years.
Dark Matter Could Actually Be Theoretical ‘Dark Photons’, New Research Suggests
Researchers have postulated that readings from the Hubble Space Telescope may help to explain the nature of the ever-elusive dark matter, which may actually be made up of something called dark photons.
This Star Trek-Style ‘Tractor Beam’ Allows Objects to be Moved Using Metamaterials and Sound Waves
Researchers studying acoustic levitation have devised a method using metamaterials that lets them manipulate objects of any shape and size without actually touching them.
International Fusion Energy Experts Are Looking to Lasers for the Future of Clean Energy
Fusion energy researchers around the world are increasingly looking to lasers as the path toward producing cleaner, more sustainable energy in the years ahead.
U.S. Department of Energy to Make Major Fusion Energy Announcement This Week: Here’s What We Know
Scientists from the Nuclear Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) have achieved a major milestone in fusion energy as the energy needed to cause the reaction was less than the energy produced.
Would We Notice Interstellar CubeSats in Our Cosmic Neighborhood?
If humans ever find interstellar CubeSats, it will change our priorities from funding military conflicts to space exploration.
Plasma Propulsion Discovery Could Herald a ‘New Era of Space Exploration’
Researchers say they have discovered the solution to a problem that has long hindered progress with a novel form of plasma propulsion.
The Strange Tale of Russia’s UFO Wonder Weapons Based on “New Physical Principles”
For over a decade Russia has been talking about developing "weapons based on new physical principles." An idea that apparently has its origins in the belief of UFOs.
Physics Thinktank Proposes Method for Detecting Extraterrestrial Spacecraft Using Gravitational Waves
The research team behind the first physical warp drive has partnered with an associate dean of physics from Carnegie-Mellon University to detect extraterrestrial spacecraft using gravitational waves.
Ignorant and Overconfident: Scholars of The Popular ‘Dunning-Kruger Effect’ Win Prestigious Psychology Award
A prestigious academic award was issued to scholars behind the popular "Dunning-Kruger Effect," the psychology theory that says sometimes people are too stupid to know their stupid.
Odd Emissions Detected from a High-Energy Space Object Prompted Investigations by Astronomers. Here’s What They Found.
Astronomers say the results of a long-term study of a distant, high-energy space object have yielded new details about the behavior of one of our universe’s most prevalent extragalactic sources of gamma rays.
Cannabis Use May Offer Wide-Ranging Benefits for Bipolar Disorder
According to new research, people suffering from the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder may see significant benefits from regular cannabis use.
Levitation Breakthrough Achieved in New Study of Acoustic Radiation Force Phenomenon
Expanding the field of acoustic levitation, a team of researchers has revealed new applications for levitating small objects with sound.
Japan’s Space Agency Successfully Completes First Flight of Steam-Powered Spacecraft
Japan’s Space Agency JAXA has reported the first successful flight of a steam-powered spacecraft named EQUULEUS beyond low earth orbit.
A “Quantum Brain” Could Solve The Hard Problem of Consciousness, New Research Suggests
New research claims to have observed quantum entanglement in the brain, suggesting that a "quantum brain" might solve the hard problem of consciousness.
Panspermia: Was Terrestrial Intelligence Seeded by a Cosmic Gardener?
How can we determine from circumstantial evidence on multiple planets whether panspermia might have occurred?
80 Years Ago, The Royal Air Force Saw Flying Objects They Couldn’t Explain
They may not have been called “Foo Fighters” at the time, but Royal Air Force crews saw and reported strange lights at least two years before American night-fighter crews.
What’s That Rumbling Beneath Yellowstone? Supervolcano Study Doubles Past Magma Estimates
According to new research, the Yellowstone Supervolcano contains almost twice the amount of magma researchers once believed.
Black Hole Simulated in the Lab Suddenly Starts Glowing, Potentially Pointing to a Unified Theory of Gravity
A team of European physicists simulated a "glowing" black hole in the lab, which they say might help confirm one famous physicist's theory.
The Discovery of Life on Titan Could Reveal Clues About Early Life in the Universe
Saturn's moon Titan has an atmosphere rich in organic compounds, which has led to speculations that chemical precursors of life may have been generated there.
Recent Pilot UAP Sightings Point to Aviation Safety Challenges, Experts Say
Several recent pilot UFO sightings may have been explained, but ongoing incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena point to safety issues and other challenges for aviators.
Extraterrestrial Minerals Never Before Seen on Earth Discovered in Meteorite
Researchers from the University of Alberta say they have found two minerals hiding inside a recently fallen meteorite that have never been found before on earth.
The USAF’s B-21 Raider Will Be Unveiled This Week: Here’s What We Know About the World’s First Sixth-Generation Aircraft
This week the public will finally get its first look at Northrop Grumman's B-21 Raider. Here's what we know about the world’s first sixth-generation aircraft.
The Confluence of Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Nature established two distinct pathways for reflecting upon itself, one based on natural intelligence and the second based on artificial intelligence.
Star Trek is Motivating This Team of Scientists to Build a Working Warp Drive Spacecraft
Dr. Greg Hodgin, founder of ZC Inc., discusses his love of Star Trek and how he and his company is planning to build the world's first warp drive spacecraft.
Collective Intelligence: New Research Examines The Wisdom of Flocks
New research demonstrates how hierarchy and democracy come together to allow some animal flocks to achieve collective intelligence.
Science Textbooks May Be Wrong? Fossil Mystery Has Scientists Scrutinizing Brain Evolution
Half a billion years ago, an ancient wormlike animal was preserved in a seabed, whose fossil remains are now challenging our current theories about brain evolution.
Algorithm in U.S. Government Test Hacked in Under an Hour with Unique Mathematical Theorem
Belgian researchers successfully hacked a United States government algorithm with a special theorem developed by a Canadian mathematician.
New Brazilian App Warns Locals and Tourists Where Violent Crimes Are Occurring
A new app empowers Brazilian residents and tourists alike by providing them with up-to-the-minute information on where crimes are occurring.
Cosmic Seeds of the Biggest Black Holes
As any gardener knows, growth is initiated by seeds. What were the seeds that enabled supermassive black holes to grow so early in cosmic history?
Asteroid Impact in Canada May Have Left Something Behind That Astronomers Now Want
Astronomers say an asteroid impact in Canada near the shores of Lake Erie could provide a rich source of information for future studies.
New Measurements of Gravity Suggest Theory Proposed by Albert Einstein Could Be Wrong
A new study that used measurements of cosmic phenomena suggests the theory of gravity proposed by Albert Einstein may actually be wrong.
Anti-Aging Technology Will Help Indiana Jones ‘Time Travel’ Back to 1944 to Battle Nazis
Actor Harrison Ford will be time-traveling back to 1944 to fight Nazis with the help of anti-aging technology in the fifth installment of the Indiana Jones film series.
‘Impossible’ Discovery Reveals New Science Linking Genetics and Human Height
New results from the largest genome-wide association study ever carried out have revealed a link between genetics and height, according to the authors of a recent paper.
The State of the Universe: Lost Civilizations from Our Cosmic Past
Future interstellar travel could reveal that the "State of the Universe" is far more significant than our present concerns over worldly political matters at home.
Take a Scroll Through the Cosmos With This Awe-Inspiring New Map of the Universe
A new map of the universe has been made available free to the public, showing the cosmos in unprecedented color and detail.
Brain-Machine Interface Allows Wheelchair to Navigate a Cluttered Room With ‘Mind Control’
A new Brain Machine Interface (BMI) allows tetraplegic people to drive their wheelchairs using only the power of mind control.
Nation’s Largest Center for Historical Records on UFOs to be Established in New Mexico
At its new home in New Mexico, the National UFO Historical Records Center is set to become the largest archive of historical records on UAP ever assembled.
A Curious New Organism Has Been Discovered Hiding Within an Underground Cave
Japanese researchers have discovered a new microorganism within a cave that could offer clues about the evolution of multicellular life.
Russia Left Behind a Trove of Classified Intelligence During its Retreat From Kherson
During its hasty retreat from Kherson, Russia's security services apparently left behind critical classified documents, which have now been seized by Ukraine's SBU.
Is Ayahuasca Safe? New Research Examines Risks Linked to the Ancient Psychedelic Brew
New research examines the adverse health effects of consuming ayahuasca, with results offering a nuanced view of the ancient psychedelic drink.
Defying Current Theories, Researchers Say Something ‘Unexpected’ Has Been Observed During Fusion Experiments
New studies reveal unexpected behavior of ions in fusion reactions, which may offer clues in the effort to achieve sustained fusion ignition.
Physicists Claim Wormholes May Have Been Detected, with Help from a New Theoretical Model
Wormholes may have already been detected, but have been hiding in plain sight, according to a team of Bulgarian physicists.
DARPA Is Engineering Plants to Help Clean Soil Contaminated by Explosive Chemicals
A new DARPA program wants to remediate soil contaminated with explosives and aircraft fuel using bioengineered plants.
Controversial Theory of Consciousness Challenged by New Study Involving Mysterious Brain Region
New research seems to show that a popular theory of consciousness centered on a region of the brain known as the claustrum is likely wrong.
This Concerning Theory May Explain Why We Haven’t Found Evidence of Intelligent Alien Life
A team of researchers argues the "Great Filter" theory could offer a concerning explanation for why astronomers have yet to find evidence of intelligent alien life.
Knowledge, Belief, and the Cosmos: The Proper Way of Swiping Left or Right
The suite of instruments assembled by the Galileo Project will seek the evidence needed to properly swipe the extraterrestrial interpretation of UAP to the left or to the right.