On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia first supported an invasion...
On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of its southwestern neighbor Ukraine in the early morning hours. The action marked a significant escalation between the countries, which have been in a state of conflict since 2014 when Russia...
Russia’s federal communications regulator, Roskomnadzor, demanded that media outlets in the country not describe Russia’s continued invasion of Ukraine as an “assault, invasion, or declaration of war.” Outlets who failed to comply with the order, including not deleting previous news...
Intense fighting continues to rage along large portions of Ukraine following the first twenty-four hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the start of a “special military operation” against Russia’s eastern neighbor. Russia’s attack on Ukraine began in the early...
In the early morning hours, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky made an impassioned televised plea to the citizens of Russia to stop their leadership from invading his country. “The Ukraine on your news and Ukraine in real life are two completely...
A new study says your brain may be “active and coordinated” during your time of death, potentially replaying the highlights of your life. Furthermore, the same research indicates the brain may be pre-programmed to orchestrate the whole after-death recall ordeal....
A new set of NASA experiments will test how fire acts and how to extinguish it in the microgravity environment of space. A follow-up to previous fire-analyzing missions, this decidedly dangerous undertaking hopes to increase fire safety for future colonists...
The Biden Administration's nominee to serve as watchdog for the DoD admitted UAP was "not an issue with which I am currently familiar,” but that he is "willing to look into that and take any action that’s appropriate.”
From grapes and bananas to “popping cherries” and “buttering muffins,” food has long been associated with sex. This association may be biological in nature, as research has found that this relationship is not just unique to humans. But finding the...
New research shows that birds with big brains are better at resisting climate change-induced shrinking than birds with smaller brains. Such loss of body volume has become prevalent across most bird species over the last 40 years, a phenomenon nearly...
Scottish space company Skyrora has successfully test-fired its third stage “space tug” maneuvering vehicle at its engine development complex in Fife, Scotland.
Researchers studying the role labeling plays in the perception of food taste and quality have that found negative messaging is more influential than positive messaging, the latter having a measurable, but much smaller effect. According to new research published in the...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many of us look at the world, and for some, that even includes how we look at death and dying. Therefore, as the influx of coronavirus cases increase, maybe it isn’t surprising that...